I will use this page to give update on different technology, latest news and trends in IT.
I will also try teach PYTHON, Shell Scripting, Automation, DevOps and various steps you need to learn to become DevOps Engineer, Automation Engineer and Data Analysts
No Code Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

This page will guide you with basics concept of Kubernetes. Basic commands, its usage and It will also give you few exercise to ramp you up

This page will guide you with basics concept of Docker usage. Basic commands, its usage and It will also give you few exercise to ramp you up
Learn TERRAFORM in a week

This page will guide you with basics concept of GITHUB usage. Basic commands, its usage and It will also give you few exercise to ramp you up
Learn GITHUB in a week

This page will guide you with basics concept of GITHUB usage. It will also give you few exercise to ramp you up
Learn PYTHON in 3 months

This page will guide you with course structure and weekly milestone you have to keep to learn PYTHON in 3 months. It will also suggest few exercise to grasp knowledge.